The Northfolk Projects 2019 - Ganseys

I've left the brewing behind now and pleased to see the little Poppyland Brewery continuing its journey under Dave Cornell. I wish it well and hope its customers enjoy the output. So, onward and upward with the Northfolk Project. New ideas to expand it keep coming along but I am resisting most of them for the time being for fear of over-committing. So for now the artwork is sitting there waiting to go. Drawing boards were extracted from the loft, the old materials dug out from long term storage but so far I haven't put pencil to paper, although I haven't been idle. The Gansey Project One of the Northfolk sub-projects is to work with Sheringham Museum Textile Group to record the patterns from local fishermen's ganseys. The number of different patterns I have charted is growing nicely and the charts are up on my website now. Over the last year I have been encouraging the knitters in the group (I am not a knitter) to up their game and try to emulate the old S...